Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Having a meltdown before Exams: My Experience

Posted by Unknown

Being nervous before exams is a common thing among youths. We can say it is only natural that we feel nervous about how well we're gonna do in our exams but particularly those who have not prepared have the right to be nervous since it is only their own fault. I would add myself in that category since I have not finished covering any subject yet.

I had my personal share of exam meltdown.
I guess its acceptable that I'm nervous right now since I am in class 10 which means I have to appear in the board exams.

I am the kind of person who likes to keep things stacked up and undone and at the last minute do it in a hurry.I think most of you do this but not all of you.

I guess people like me who are loafers do this.But I'm not insulting you if you are, I'm just giving out the hard truth.

So after days of tension and stress, I decided to tell my worries to my god "Google" and believe me he(I guess Google is a male) had a lot of advice for me and the reason

I wrote this post was to share it with you readers.So here are some of the tips I've found online.I think the following tips can be quite useful in your exams.

To give you the facts, this tips do work and do not include any meditation or any other craps like "deep breathing exercises”.

Tips To Relief Exam Stress

1. Avoid stressful people.
Stress actually is contagious. During exam week, resist the urge to have a study session with your super-tense friend, especially if she’s complaining about all the work she has to do and breaking pencils all over the place. Her stress will only add to your stress.
2. Eat healthy and exercise.
This seems like a no-brainer, but it’s a wonder how many people forget it. Skip the sugar, which will make you crash, and go for snacks like granola bars, healthy cereal or fruits and veggies to keep your blood sugar stable. If you’re studying for a long period of time, eat some protein too. Also, try to get some form of exercise. Even a 10 minute walk will leave you calmer and more focused.
3. Just say NO.
I don’t mean to drugs, although I’m not recommending them or anything. What you need to say no to are the people who want to take up your time. There will probably be a friend who needs to talk to you for hours about her life, or a keg party the night before your final, and if you say yes, you’ll probably be tempted to blow off studying. Resist the urge. Say no to the distractions and be selfish for a day. You want a good GPA, right?
4. Force yourself to take breaks.
For every hour or so that you work, take a 10 or 15 minute break. Let yourself do whatever you want (check Facebook, check out that guy sitting nearby, stare off into space, call a friend, etc.) for those 10-15 mins, then start working again. This gives your brain a little rest and will help keep you more focused when you are actually doing work.
5. Visualize it all going right.
This is actually my favorite tip of all, even though it sounds kind of nuts. Imagine yourself taking the test and feeling confident that you know all the information. Picture getting all of the answers right, and focus on how relaxed you feel. Then picture the A on your test paper. When you imagine a happy ending, that’s often what happens, because you make the decisions that lead to it without even realizing.
6. If you’ve studied all you can, get up your confidence!
When test-time rolls around, it’s time to get yourself into confidence mode. You’ve prepared as much as you could, and now it’s time to ace the test. The tip here is to do whatever works to convince yourself you are going to do really well. Again, I know this tip sounds a little crazy but you just have to try it for yourself. I think you’ll like the results.
If non of the above works on you than I've got one last tip that I 100% guarantee will work.Follow the instruction on the image. 


  1. Well I'm sure it'll work..If not the rest at least the "Stress Reduction Kit" will work for sure..LOL..:)

  2. haha your suggestion of SRK is a great thing on earth....
    All the best and maybe its not too late still to try mena

    1. Thank you acho Thinley for the kind words.. :D


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  8. Insightful!
    when the board exams get near. And young students of school in Siliguri/Darjeeling are under stress due to the pressure to do well. These are the ideal suggestions for reducing tension throughout board exams. I hope kids use these suggestions to be composed throughout exams and give their best effort.

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